Silky Dogwood
Cornus amomum subsp. obliqua
General Information
Silky Dogwood is an easy-to-grow, multi-stemmed, medium to large, deciduous shrub.
Silky Dogwood is typically found in moist lowland areas, swamp borders, floodplains, shrub wetlands, and along streams and ponds. Silky Dogwood prefers rich, moist to wet acidic soils.
Silky Dogwood flowers are yellowish-white. It blooms between May and June.
The stems and undersides of Silky Dogwood leave have silky hairs, hence the common name. Native Americans used the bark as tobacco.
Plant Information
Plant Type:
Deciduous shrub
Sun Preference:
Full Sun * Part Sun
Soil Moisture Preference:
Wet * Medium-Wet * Medium
Plant Height:
6 to 10 feet
Plant Width:
4 to 6 feet
Plant Spacing:
3 to 5 feet
Flower Color:
Flower timing:
June and July
Culture Information:
Silky Dogwood is not overly ornamental. It is best used in rain gardens, naturalized areas or wetter areas of the landscape. Silky Dogwood does well on the periphery of water bodies and is a good selection for erosion control along streams and ponds.
Silky Dogwood needs fairy consistent moisture. Unless at least an inch of rain has been received in the last week, it generally appreciates some water.
Silky Dogwood can spread aggressively, forming thickets when left alone. It benefits from 2-4” of mulch in the summer to keep roots cool and moist.
Silky Dogwood has a medium flammability rating.
Wet Soil
Black Walnut
Soil Compaction
Pests & Disease:
Silky Dogwood has no serious insect problems but can be affected by scale, borers and leaf miners.
Silky Dogwood has no serious disease problems. Leaf spot, crown canker, blights, root rot and powdery mildew are infrequent disease problems.
Wildlife Use:
Pollinators: Silky Dogwood’s nectar is attractive to butterflies. It is a host plant for the Spring Azure and Summer Azure butterflies and supports the specialized bees Andrena fragilis, Andrena integra, and Andrena platyparia.
Birds: Many species of birds are attracted to Silky Dogwoods fruits. Fruits are eaten by songbirds, ruffed grouse, quail, and turkey as they ripen in late August.
Mammals: Fruits are also eaten by chipmunks, black bear, foxes, white-tailed deer, skunks, and squirrels. Silky Dogwood is browsed by deer.
Native to:
More Information:
NC State Plant Database:
Missouri Botanical Garden:
TN-KY Plant Atlas
Other Link: