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Red Osier Dogwood

Cornus sericea

Red Osier Dogwood

General Information

Red Osier Dogwood is an easy-to-grow, large, spreading, multi-stemmed suckering deciduous shrub. It is aggressive and can become invasive in an ideal location.

Red Osier Dogwood is generally found in damp boggy areas, riparian areas, or wetland margins. It prefers rich, consistently wet soils but adapts to drier soils as well.

Red Osier Dogwood has white flowers and blooms between May and June.

Red Osier Dogwood’s leaves turn attractive shades of orange or red and fade to purple in the fall. Native Americans used this plant for basket weaving and in tool making.

Plant Information

Plant Type:

Deciduous shrub

Sun Preference:

Full Sun * Part Sun

Soil Moisture Preference:

Wet * Medium-Wet * Medium

Plant Height:

6 to 10 feet

Plant Width:

6 to 10 feet

Plant Spacing:

4 to 6 feet

Flower Color:


Flower timing:

May to June

Culture Information:


Pests & Disease:

Wildlife Use:

Native to:

Southeast Kentucky

More Information:
NC State Plant Database:
Missouri Botanical Garden:
TN-KY Plant Atlas

Other Link:

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