Coral Honeysuckle
Lonicera sempervirens
General Information
Coral Honeysuckle is an easy-to-grow, vigorous, twining woody perennial vine. It can be evergreen or deciduous depending on the climate and is typically evergreen around Knoxville. Coral Honeysuckle is NOT invasive.
Coral Honeysuckle prefers rich, well-drained, moist soil and full sun. It will grow in some shade but flowering will be reduced.
Coral Honeysuckle has large non-fragrant, narrow, trumpet-shaped flowers. Flower are orange-red on the outside and yellowish inside. Coral Honeysuckle blooms throughout the year generally between March and July and oftentimes again between September and October.
Coral Honeysuckle has been used medicinally (dried and smoked) to treat asthma. Plant sap (leaves ground by chewing) has been used to treat bee stings. A decoction made from the leaves has been used for coughs and sore throats.
Plant Information
Plant Type:
Evergreen vine
Sun Preference:
Full Sun * Part Sun
Soil Moisture Preference:
Medium-Wet * Medium * Medium-Dry
Plant Height:
8 to 15 feet
Plant Width:
3 to 6 feet
Plant Spacing:
3 to 4 feet
Flower Color:
Scarlet/Orange with Yellow Throat
Flower timing:
May to June
Culture Information:
Coral Honeysuckle is best grown on an arbor, trellis or fence as part of a butterfly garden, pollinator garden or native garden. It can also be planted and allowed to sprawl as a ground cover.
When first planted, Coral Honeysuckle should be watered weekly for first few months, unless at least an inch of rain has been received in the last week to help it get established. After it becomes established, Coral Honeysuckle appreciates watering during extended dry periods.
Coral Honeysuckle should be pruned to maintain its shape during winter; Coral Honeysuckle flowers on new growth. It is best to avoid pruning until after flowering is done.
Black Walnut
Pests & Disease:
Coral Honeysuckle is affected by aphids. They can be knocked off the plant with the strong spray from a garden hose.
Coral Honeysuckle is susceptible to Powdery Mildew and Leaf Spot in hot and humid climates.
Coral Honeysuckle has an extreme flammability rating and should not be planted within the defensible space of your home.
Wildlife Use:
Pollinators: Coral Honeysuckle’s flowers are attractive to bees, butterflies and some moth pollinators. It is a larval host plant for the Spring Azure butterfly and the Snowberry Clearwing Moth.
Birds: Coral Honeysuckle’s flowers are attractive to hummingbirds, who use it as a nectar source. It’s small red berries are consumed by songbirds.
Mammals: Coral Honeysuckle’s foliage may be eaten by white-tailed deer.
Other: N/A.
Native to:
East Tennessee including Knox and surrounding counties
More Information:
NC State Plant Database:
Missouri Botanical Garden:
TN-KY Plant Atlas
Other Link: